"To climb something very difficult you need to be the right time in the right place, and remember the mountain is always stronger then you."-Ueli Steck
* 尤利·史泰克(Ueli Steck):瑞士登山家,曾不使用輔助氧氣成功登頂聖母峰,也是攀登艾格北峰速度最快的紀錄保持人。
"To climb something very difficult you need to be the right time in the right place, and remember the mountain is always stronger then you."-Ueli Steck
* 尤利·史泰克(Ueli Steck):瑞士登山家,曾不使用輔助氧氣成功登頂聖母峰,也是攀登艾格北峰速度最快的紀錄保持人。
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